Der Weiße Engel

I’m still ticked I didn’t get the Dremel tool yesterday. Curse you Amazon!

I’m still ticked I didn’t get the Dremel tool yesterday. Curse you Amazon!

That’s Seaman Staines you see in the lower left corner of the picture.

gauche and sinister.

And then he drives away with her in his modified-for-mamba-use Porsche. Ain’t civilization great?

+1 I actually prefer the M40s (which I’m listening to at this very minute) for this very reason.

+1 I actually prefer the M40s (which I’m listening to at this very minute) for this very reason.

7th grade here. 40 years.

+1 for YOINK

I 100% agree with him, but not for his reason. In truth, other than maybe not having to work anymore, there’s nothing that money could buy me which would make me any happier. And to think of all the hassles: grifters, con artists, family dissension, loss of friends. There’s a reason they all end up broke and alone. No

I’ll buy an ‘e’, Pat.

I guess that’s the rub. They can’t. There is a big difference between simply “shacking up” (their term) for sexual, social, and economic convenience (nothing wrong that, mind you, so long as everybody’s on the same page) and a long-term commitment.

Sorry, sounds like the cross-up was in my use of the possessive pronoun “your” - I was speaking to Gawker, or to a more general subject of my complaint, not speaking specifically to *you*, Eager Ophiuchus (boy that’s hard to type).

Drat, the Dremel tool is already gone! It sold out between the time I put it in my cart and checked out!

Drat, the Dremel tool is already gone! It sold out between the time I put it in my cart and checked out!

4. How will you deal with the inevitable changes in yourselves which may make the original agreements no longer valid?

I finally fixed my black thumb by letting my wife take care of all the plants. It’s definitely an inbred talent. And I ain’t got it. I’m under a script proscription against going anywhere near the plants.

I think it’s obvious which way Gawker slants politically. Which is all well and good, but please don’t try to spin things to try to present your viewpoints as grounded in objective facts.

Always good to see the author give it right back.

Congratulations on reopening a discussion that consumed 80% of the bandwidth in the alt.folklore.urban newsgroup in the mid-90s.

This would require both a post-4th grade understanding of math(s) and a journalist’s desire to understand all the facts. Obviously she has neither.

Exactly. The author did not bother to actually read the forecast and the description of what the numbers mean. She just saw a map with a big swath of reddish colors and thought “hot, absurdly hot, everywhere, ohmigod, that’s enough to publish an alarmist screed, right?”

“relative” meaning higher than, equal to, or lower than. Not a specific number.