Can you use it with more than one phone?
Can you use it with more than one phone?
Can you use it with more than one phone?
Can you use it with more than one phone?
Rule 1: tippie toes and finger tips. Light pressure on the controls.
Reduced transit schedules? Boston Marathon’s on Patriots [author: note lack of apostrophe] Day which may make it harder for folks in Boston to get around. It’s a holiday, give us a break, thanks.
Havlicek stole the ball.
Definitely not undermining your point, but: Women are afraid that other women will laugh at them. Men are afraid that other men will kill them.
With the 401K, yes, you do eventually pay taxes on the money, but in the meantime you get to invest the tax savings and earn returns on it. And you defer the taxes on the earnings as well, which means you get to earn returns on those savings as well, and ....
Roof too. Unless you’re an SUV, I guess, in which case it’s acceptable to let an 18-inch high block of ice build up over the course of a winter.
Jack Daniels
No, nothing so elaborate.
Based on my (admittedly limited) experience, airlines fares have definitely dropped over the past 2 years, especially international.
Another way to say this: most people want to be affluent, not wealthy. The two are very different things.
“No man knows how much he can spend, until he tries”
The reason they don’t pick the annuity is the same reason they quickly blow it all.
You’re right, of course.
I want to power it over wi-fi.
Wow. Now write the shortest Brainfuck program that prints itself.
C? Hardcore? Bah. Write a bubble sort routine in assembly (X86, or ARM maybe), and then we’ll talk.
Just before the holidays Mrs Masshole and I were in an Uber in Vegas and the driver worked for a casino doing marketing to high-rollers. We told home that neither of us had any intention of ever gambling. And his response: “you’re smart”.
The way you arrive at a solution to this problem is much more important than the solution you arrive at.