
No on knows! He is also a really wierd dude and might have a personality disorder. 

See: All of them. 

I was trying to figure out if there was some slow developing joke in there about writing about a really dumb movie in an purposefully overblown style.

How did they not recognize Kendrick Perkins tho

its not a crime. Pls find me the criminal statue you are referring to. 

he doesn’t owe you shit

He has a very weird skillset. Also, his face is weird.


“the Nationals are the team to beat in the NL” I mean, they do always get beaten by other teams in October so I suppose this is technically correct. 

Except for like, all the success...

What are you trying to say here? That they shouldn’t rescue them? Or that you don’t feel bad for a bunch of kids trapped without food in a pitch dark cave?

It has been described as one of the worst possible injuries. 

Gulls games are awesome

Like every other black person in America...

no its really not

That’s a deep cut. 

I mean, except for every single human that has ever lived, where’s the data saying we have to die?

Not to be a dick, but how did you not know what foot he used to score the goal. What were you watching, Argentinian professional football reporter?

As opposed to 90 minutes in normal games
