
Ah fuck these 1000 year old relationships, let’s just draw some fucking squares after 3 brandies.

everyone’s east of something

+1 white man’s burden

does he tho

The republican party is not capatalist, and has rarely ever been. It is strongly corporatist.


you apparently have never worked for a large organization

Yeah they have really transitioned to liberal scolds and the self appointed hall monitors of sports media

Whatever happened to that Schwein-lover dude form 4 years ago? To old? 

Man, there are literal child concentration camps in your country. Enjoying sports violence is pretty far down the list at this point.

They are totally different games in that, A: teams don’t line up and smash each other but flow back and forth.

Saying you are just a business gets in the way of all your pitches for tax breaks and free stadiums and shit. They are not just a business they are “The heart of the city’ or whateverthefuck slogan they will trot out the next time they want a free stadium display or parking lot. 

+1 barbicide

this gif is called “Blaadow!”

Eight thousand dollars standard to replace a timing chain. EIGHT THOUSAND FUCKING DOLLARS. Or three thousand in parts.

Ugh. +1 space clown. 

Those guys would have qualified!

It’s preeeeety simple. Although hilariously just as arbitrary as pounds.

Just have a playoff!

Ironically, Hanley’s name came from a name drop gone wrong. His parents wanted to name him Hamlet, but given the low literacy levels of them and the state worker they wound up with Hanley. Which is cooler anyway.