
yes sorry, according to the ‘caring about others’ meter we have run out for today. It should replenish itself in the next week or so.

The thing is, any cause supporting black people will be ‘partisan’ or ‘controversial’.

Do you think they will use him to try and sell Dodges too?

I sing this song to my kids all the time, except I just replace ‘hurts’ with ‘poops’. It works really well!

So...if a woman’s date returned from the bathroom to find a man kneeling in your world she would get mad? And not, like, assume he was going to propose?


In what other situation does kneeling not show respect? Outside of when a black man does it?

truly the greatest generation

“We want black people to shut up. Wait, dammit!”

I assume he means like “actual value” vs. “what you would have to pay to sign him”. I don’t think you could argue with that point.

And they are one of the few teams who are hip to the whole “design your plan around your players strength” thing.

How do you see yourself not being a black male in the next 5 years?

and rap was salivating at the chance to do it!

On the other hand, they did employ a Tom Cable, a terrible coach who has abused at least two of his ex’s and broke another employees jaw IN A WORK MEETING. So, you know, morals.

I mean, 2 billion people disprove the “no known safe dosage” like every day

jesus, this is like the 5th time today I have heard that

Isn’t the original engine of a porshche, like, one of the best parts?

How many kabillions of these things were manufactured and sold for absolutely no reason?

did you pronounce it ‘broorsche” or “broorsha”. this is very important

so, the popcorn gif then?