
Makes sense to me.

Holy shit, I forgot all about this.

But, I mean, no need for me to be a Debbie Downer. It would be cool if they did it, and I could care less about their profits, so I hope they do!

No, unfortunately not even then.

I really enjoy the NIT! It’s like a whole tournament made up of 9-12 seeds. What’s not to like?

Holy shit. How many mobsters’ bodies could you fit in that trunk?

At least the weather and the food are good!

This is the Vikings man, “just far enough to let you see the promised land before sawing your head off and shitting down your throat.” is their team motto 

How about the aging QB of your eternal rival showing just enough promise to make you sully your memories to support him, and then throwing the entire season away because he is an idiot?

He won one and managed to not lose the other.

No room for 4 doors! It’s only 9 meters long!

I am there! It will fit in nicely into my planned personal obsolescence.

Sorry, only 24.5 ways, like a peasant.

My mans has a ...65? in black. It’s fucking dope, is really fun to drive around in and one can be had for like ~$5k (at least in SoCal, which is classic car heaven).

They always are! Why don’t they ever just go whole hog on one of these...

dude. no one in the world is going to buy a $110,000 fucking Lincoln sedan.  

I don’t know what that last pic is, but I know I want it.

hahahahaha fucking ice burn

I believe the feds can be treated like another plaintiff in cases like this, and often ask to be put in line behind other people looking for assets

+1 tattoo removal