
I read somewhere that “everyone eventually gets the face that they deserve”. Think about the old folks in your life and how the happy ones seem beautiful, but you can see the angry crazy ones from a mile away.

They looks like two angry ghosts trying to push their way out of a wall.

Do you even want that? That commentariat is a nest of vipers, constantly turning on each other over who is woke enough or who used this week’s correct term.

I firmly believe that nobody is above an ass-whooping, regardless what’s between your legs.

No that’s me.

“pure reggiano”

Also picture yourself as a teen in your first and biggest job interview.

The camera is on his head and turned on all of the time. It would take action to not continue filming.

He is an admitted alcoholic and is clearly drunk in this video. People are dumb.

I’m just going to star you instead of reading this an pretending I understood that joke

Also dope

Looks like a “Real Doll” to me if youknowwhatimean

What’s up with those uni’s tonight? I thought they were pretty dope, but it seemed like the stole them from a Sun Belt team...

Are you one a purely meta-reporting assignment or are you working on something Dom?

I watched about 11 minutes of this games (my first 11 minutes of the season) and Gobert looked really good on offense too.

I watch basketball very rarely these days but caught some of this game.

Colin is actually his rank

It’s a pretty popular opinion these days bud, you know that the president is a white nationalist, right?


how did i miss this