
“or multiple”

“The Process has hurt their chances, not helped it.”

Philly fans are all messed up in the head over this. It really is like listening to someone defend their abuser...

It’s not a hot-take dude. The Sixers aren’t going to get anywhere near winning more games than they lose for the xth consecutive year and you poor Philly fans have been in this abusive relationship for so long that you think that is good for some reason!

You’re still shooting for the 9th seed you idiot. IT”S FIVE YEARS IN AND YOU STILL DON”T EVEN HAVE A TEAM!

He is 1-6.

Isn’t he like over 70? He manages exactly the way you would think a slightly confused 7o something would run an organization.

Breathable mesh, lots of skin coverage, packs easily, sounds good to me...

I mean, it’s early season nets hawks. Who gives a fuck?

He said $3.50 that spilled, it was about 1/5th of the glass, so?

Mocking ‘the process’ is not asking for this. It is just mocking the process, and the fans who have been brain-washed enough to believe that 5 sub-30 win seasons is somehow better than 40-60 win seasons, because, eventually maybe, they might win more that that or something?


If by exposure you mean “UCLA” and not “his dad” then you might have a point. His dad was a neutral or negative factor for GMs.

I mean, he is a jack-ass, but whatever, lots of people are.

Dude, could you imagine how hard it would be to be raised by basically Stephen A. Smith? As an athelete?

Fuck dude


There were some serious AAAA lineups they trotted out some nights.

Holy shit. Now that is impressive

Not with that attitude they don’t!