
Larger point: Don’t fall in love with sex workers (or strippers) you idiots. They are there because you pay them to be.

Yes, clearly the right decision bud. One hit is far too many.

hmm, Dusty has worse one-hitters than Meghan Trainer?

This is the most competently run organization in DC. So maybe keep going north until you hit Canada.

He only did it because it was the wrong move. It’s like your one friend who always heads the wrong direction out of the bar or whatever. It’s so consistent, it almost an ability.

I stood up and yelled to my empty living room “AND THAT’S WHY YOU KEEP HIM IN THE ORDER MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!”

Is the Kinja version of tweeting at yourself?

Holy shit

“Million dollar arm and a 5-cent head.” 

Goddamn anti gay horse-ists! Why won’t they just stay out of other peoples stables!

hahha oh man, then they are going to have to suspend MY trainer for 18 YEARS!

What are you talking about? The matte? or the weird shape?

I would so much rather root for the fun Puig-led team with more talent and a few mistakes than the grim Grienke team that grinds out wins with zero emotion.

I think he just loaned that automatic out to Bellinger, seems like one of them has to have it at all times...

That first at bat against Grienke was GREAT last night even though he didn’t get on base.

I am mostly with you, but one of the reasons that I DO like the umps is that it forces players to react and adjust. If it was just a robotic, pre-set zone I think the pitchers would get too good at nicking the zone just enough on unhittable pitches.

I think the Ump basically gave Farrell the ejection that Pedroia earned. I thought it was kind of cool actually: make your point, but don’t kick a player out of an elimination game.

Totally. It’s up to the pitchers and hitters to adjust.

Also, he would have been well within his rights to toss Pedroia. I thought he showed remarkable restraint, and then transferred the ejection to the manager to make his point.

He was pretty consistently a little wide. It’s up to the players to adjust.