
Almost, dude. Hero is a word never uttered regarding sandwiches in Philly.

Well, why the fuck was Justin’s brother in the game in the first place?

Jeff Kent? Ugh, fuck that dude. Hated him on the Dodgers, despite his production. Just a total asshole. Like, the worlds worst step-dad.

but, is he fat?

Holy crap, that’s the deal of the century! I do like the look of the car btw, very unique and very 70s.

Apparently people are calling this the HR-Cycle, which is way better than my nerdy name.

Just looked up the ‘71 polara. If that car was a person, it’d be a 1970s enforcer for the local toughs: cheap print shirt, sweat stains, hairy knuckles. Never seen a car that brought the adjective ‘beetle-browed’ to mind before...

People who don’t know what they are doing and think it is like health food for their car.

I think Schezererer has been a tick above KershGawd this year tbh.

99.9% odds my dude. I think we got it.

This is like his third year in baseball bruh. He didn’t just step off the plane from ESPN.

Especially since the Bible is totally neutral on abortion, or perhaps a little pro-choice even...

I have plenty of reasons to look down on him. Have you ever seen him play in the pros? Or, run around shirtless in the rain for no damn good reason?

The Snarf!

Jesus. Forget 264. #1,100! That’s amazing!

I want to note that he ALMOST became the first ever person to have a four factorial homerun night. He hit 1 run, 2 run, and 3 run homers and flew out to the warning track with the bases loaded.


Lol. She’s right in my wheelhouse too..

The playoffs are tough man. Go through a normal little team slump in October instead of July, season over.

Man, Seager was close to a 4-factorial HR night! I’m sure it would have been the first in MLB history since there have only been 17 4 HR nights...