
Boom. $18.

This guy:

I mean, not like they won the games that he pitched anyway....

Shut it down, this is all that needs to be said.

This is a nice piece of writing, but the basic thesis of it is that external motivation doesn’t work, which is just not true.

What is up with the steady stream of articles about MLB’s 18th most interesting team? Who gives a fuck about the White Sox, besides like 35% of Chicago?

That is one majestic, steel and crystal penis, much like my own.


Holy shit, I forgot that Mike Conley got $153 million. I am not pretending to understand the market of the NBA blah blah blah, but

You are a crazy person.

If only Metta World Peace was there too...

Ugh, those pics...

Unfortunately, there is a good chance this one will be canceled after a promising pilot.

Lol, these are always so fun. Keith van Horn!

Unfortunately, that is exactly the claim he wants to be making.

Jesus, that Wiki page. What a fucking cunt this guy is.

Either way is incredible.

Key detail from this story is that the wife was also a dove.

+1 crappy VHS dub bought from a street vendor

This is why instruction manuals are now 200 pages long.