

I am on the west coast. Every IPA is hoppy enough to curdle steel. I like beer, but too many hops just makes my stomach upset man.

Got mad at your pedantic answer, then looked at your username. A+.

Wiig is awesome in that scene.

I am confused about this article, I am asking you b/c I know the author won’t respond. How does Heigl saying something, mean that Seth Rogen has been braising this very tough cut of beef in the Crock Pot of his mind for nine years. I’m glad this is over and I hope Seth is, too!”


According to the rumor mill, you are not exactly Vin’s type, with the vagina and all...

35 pounds? I would say much more than that.

Vin is like 5'4' and a poser. The Rock is a giant, ex athlete.


“but wouldn’t dare even consider a Brian Dawkins one” You have never been to Philly apparently. A Dawk jersey is the goddamn philly starter kit, along with 50 pounds of unneeded flesh and a shitty attitude.

Compared to the other 31 he’s a pretty solid owner, i.e. not clearly evil.

“they play INSIDE A FUCKING DOME”. Jesus, I did not know that, and apparently neither did the PR rep who wrote that...

Shaun, you did the right thing man. Fuck her.

Much of this shit-fest is deserved but ““unadulterated glee that the Andy Reid era was finally over.” is just untrue.


“the greatest traditional cuisine in America.” Are you fucking retarded or have you just never left your hometown?

I’m sure you’re a real blast tom.

you are fucking delusional

First to 50 loses.