
How ‘active’ do you think pennies are?

From taking classes with teachers you nimwit, a fundamental part of education you repeatedly seem to miss.

Oh yeah, that makes a bit more sense. We have a LOT of Very Serious Christians downs here.

““Make it fourteen. Pardon my language, but I don’t give a crap about elected office; I studied law in no small part so that I didn’t have to prostitute myself. I just want to help people.””

You were applying for the wrong side of that office my friend. DA’s are there to lock as many people up as they can and get themselves elected in 5 or 10 years. Now PD’s on the other hand...

Can anyone explain to me how this could have happened and he was NOT impaired? I am just going to assume that they didn’t have the right kit to test for lean or horse tranquilizers or whatever these guys were on.

I certainly haven’t met your subgroup. Every single home-school family I have met, after a few questions, is actually keeping their kids out because of penises and vaginas and dinosaurs.

Sounds like you are a special case I guess.

“I was able to play basketball, baseball, and soccer from 6th grade on and compete against the local public and private schools.”

What pisses me right off, as an educator, is the assumption that they can replace or out-do the knowledge and experience of hundreds of teachers just by reading some books (or something? or with their natural skills I guess?)

Wow what a surprise that none of the very vocal home-school advocates above had any response to this well thought out, in- depth critique...

And not just you! Think about spending your entire high school experience with your mom!

No no see, they do math once a week!

What do I know, maybe you guys are the unicorns and you

I finished reading the rest of your comments on this thread and there is really no point in us chatting, tbh.

Burritos aren’t even Mexican, so....

i don’t understand this but I like it.

Alex Jones is like, too woke, tbh.

You realize that most kids do all of that, AS WELL as go to school, right?