
The answer is yes.

Great effort by the keeper there...

Ahhh the beautiful game. I reeally like when the one guy misses the ball entirely and kicks the bottom of someone’s cleat.

I think it was worth a replay. I actually thought he got him right in the beginning.

Ugh, it’s still gross to me that we have to refer to him as a yankee.

He dribbles like my 4th grader.

That video of him he looked and sounded like a surly goth teenager.

Serious question, why does it seem like every probabtion carries a no-alcohol tag even if alcohol had nothing to do with the original crime? Is that a standard thing in plea bargins? Some hold over? Baptist agenda?

You don’t really understand how Chinese sports works. Also, fuck horse racing.

very well said

“we have always appreciated its coverage of the team and the League.” = please please please keep printing our match scores.

You have defeated my internet snark with honest, informative, and non-insulting answers. you bastard.

3. It’s like they made an entire city out of a suburban office park! And filled it with 24 year old tech douches and weeabos! What’s not to like!

Because even the writers of census lists doze off when thinking about that place.

“I mean. how many days do you have to wait to buy six AR-15's in New York? 3? This list is total bull!”

So, having finally acknowledged the first part that makes the game shit to watch, how about the second part? The no-tension until the end part?

IT TAKES A FUCKING WEEK TO PLAY A GAME YOU DOOFUS. Also, it’s literally the only sport where there is absolutely no tension between sides DURING the match. By making one team do all of it’s scoring and then the other team, you have no idea if it is a close match or a blowout until 4. Doesn’t that sound

You normally have 3 wrs playing at the same time. But you knew that, you disengenous dummy.

Just open the door, and it’s outside. Too cold? Close the door! It’s inside, but you can spit on the ground! And there are tools! and a shitty tv! and a beer fridge! it’s the best.

This is the most female sentence ever written. I could reverse that and have it be almost universally true.