
He kinda half-assed it, quick rehab, no press tour, etc.

He will take a year off and ride the redemption rodeo: “rehab”, MMQB schlong-form piece, press tour, and then right back onto a teams roster where they can spin it as them helping him.

How many Thibs practices would Boogie last before he quit? 1.5?

She is MILF-tastic.

Is this...a THC-dabbing type joke? I think it might be!

I am going to remember Miller and Ware eating the O-lines lunch all night. And I had 14 beers.

I really and truly think that he is mildly autistic or on the spectrum or whatever they call it these days. He truly did not understand what was going on in that moment.

It’s possible that they are actually friends.

I mean, Shaq was the oldest player in the NBA for while...

I remember some research done by football outsiders that basically said the same thing about age vs. years played (within some normal limits, obviously). Its more about miles on the tires than purchase date, you know?

This photo is so damn funny every time. Did they even have a weight room at Michigan?

I just ate at that Restaurant! Super-fancy, the whole restaurant is perched right over the waves. Pretty cool.

Wait. Isn’t that basically what the US did?

If “I have never understood why 99% of Madoff victims are made out in the press to be just that — victims — while the Mets and their owners are presumed to have been stupid, complicit, or both.”

I would easily vote for McCain over any of these other shit-bags, wouldn’t you? I am a bit confused by this comment TBH...

My friends from PR told me that Ricky Martin coming out was a big shock to the older generations, and there was some conspiracy theories out there explaining why it wasn’t really true and he had to say it.

“No need to compare women.” ahahah. ahahha. Is that not allowed now? Is this anew thing? Just, like half of the human race cut off from comparisons?


What twisted sad woman do you know who thinks Payton Manning is cute? He is objectively one of the ugliest humans on television.

Whoa. That is a cool logo.