Dervenkál Egon

Compairson fail. Chrome OS is nowhere near OSX. But the failure is that there is nothing to compare Chrome OS with because Chrome Os is the most limited, stupid, joke of an OS ever. Why would anyone even bother with Chrome OS over Android/iOS or Windows/OSX?? It's about the dumbest thing I've ever seen and I cannot

For shame, no one under 30 listens to U2.

Even worse, Bono will be in your kitchen eating the last of your cocoa-puffs.

I have the same question. Looks like blu ray has much more natural colors.

I think I know how the bidding occurred...

Seems like a cool idea for someone like me that hates voicemail with a passion.....but this app can only work while your phone is on and connected to a mobile network so there will still be occasional voicemails. Any elevator ride, subway station, underground parking site is a potential source of voicemails

I think when Steve Jobs was talking about a stylus, he was probably talking about a stylus as a primary interface device. Not as an artistic tool, which is what this is clearly designed for.

Charon actually has almost twice the mass of Ceres, which is itself in hydrostatic equilibrium, so I think everybody was expecting that unless it had some insanely rigid composition.

Nothing about that phone says Commodore 64. Instead it looks like Generic Android Phone #1365. The angled back is also incredibly stupid in that it tilts the phone away from the user when resting on a flat surface.

Nice to see that game crossed into the future technologically:

Fun fact: Captcha is a kind of reverse Turing Test. Every day I have to prove to a computer that I'm a human being.

"They've sent out an email to both people who have signed up for the program.." <-fixed

Now playing

you've certainly gave that a lot of thought.