Dervenkál Egon

Expensive slab? A half a decade old phone.

Sure. But it is not about what I can do. It is really about what these services give you for your money depending on what region of the world you live in.

I have Netflix in Hungary.... I am just checking the titles...aaaand... wait....justasec......errrr.....not one of them... nada...

Lovely. One nila...

cubic decimeter, which is 1000 cubic centimeter

Approach it this way: pounds are imperial, so the metric the rebell...

I love my iMac, MBA, iPhone, iPad, I use them every day.... but I still could imagine every one of them being better. Much better.

No one under 45, to be exact...

Where is Bill Murray???!!!!???

We have voice over text software efficient enough to trasform any voicemail into text messages. Why I can’t get a simple SMS every time I can’t answer a call?

Do those things hover? No they don’t! They roll whatever wheel configuration they have. So.

Of course the Enterprise, with the Falcon in the dock... just for hot dates...

Common usecase: working with your laptop in your.... lap. Nor iPad Pro neither surface Pro is okay for that. And if the pencil is really so much better than any other stylii, the moment the new iPad Air supports it, the Pro will be obsolete. Unless you need the bigger screen. I use my iPad Air like above, only with

1. I see people complaining everywhere since the Samsung Galaxy S5 that why iPhone can’t shoot in 4K. Now it can.

AGAIN!!!! :D

He removed some amount of electricity from the train and converted it into personal porn pleasures while travelling. Which is a kind of abstract way of using a commuter train.

It is something like living near an airport. People are buying property cause it is cheap (yeah near the airport) than few years later they are filling a lawsuit against the airport: too much traffic, too much noise. Oh yeah, I’ll see what we can do.

Only that in Europe no plans for free data roaming. Only voice calls and texts. And calling anyone abroad will charge you with international fees.

What about sd cards? And FDDs?

From earlier estimated 100-200 billion we reduced to 1-2 billion. And that is GOOD news. Counting from one to one billion is only lasts for about 32 yeárs! *sigh*