Dervenkál Egon

Last time I bought some Lenovo laptops, they had a hardware button(!) to backup a copy of windows 8 installer, but the thing did not allow me to do it onto a thumbdrive, only DVD copies allowed. The whole thing is a pain in the ass. I did not intended to use any kind of optical drives ever again. Why not FDD??!

Back off. I like my home button.

You've almost lured me into this "we can't import photos to a pc without that f***n iTunes". But with only one google attempt you can use not just iCloud but OneDrive, Box, Dropbox "or any kind of box" for that. If you still insist some old cable method...

have you ever heard of icloud? dot com? I mean having an iPhone you use it as an offline camera or what?

Alpha was kinda nice. 5.5 is ridiculous whatever brand it is.

All phones available for AT&T users! Ha!

Isn't 930 out on the market for months?

Smartwatches? My ass, those are (including Moto360 and Apple Watch) crapwear. Where are the standalone wearable products that you can use without your phone (answering calls/texts is just an extra feature in my opinion)?

Final merge feels somehow wrong. It must be Katy "looksdumb" Perry. Honestly she is ugly even for a man.

I set it to read it (not just via BT), but no. It offers to read them, but than it just goes to sleep. :D

Maybe, every other funciton of my Lumia 720 is OK. My other problem (region: US, language: English), is that about every fifth cortana interaction ends with "Something is not right. Try again a little bit (Error code)."

Cortana can't turn bluetooth/wifi/airplane mode/etc. on and off, can't read my emails, my texts, and for about 80 percent of my questions it runs Bing queries that are not relevant and only on the screen.

We want engines easy to remove (like phone batteries in the past).

Look, Samsung is the only Android device manufacturer on the financial bright side. Do you think those people buying all those (100 millions of) phones from Samsung do understand the difference? If they are satisfied with their former Samsung gadgets, they will buy, and by the time they cry out loud, their money will