
In law school, I actually had a professor who clerked for Justice Potter Stewart during that case. And the story I was told was even better: Potter Stewart was apparently nearly blind. So in order to review the stag film in question, he sat in a room with his clerks, and the clerks would narrate the film to him as it

I feel like it helps that Randy Ambrosie actually played in the CFL. And grew up watching CFL Football. Then had a successful business career. Oh, and in between playing and working in the private sector, he was part of CFLPA leadership.

Things Canada constantly lords over the US:

The tendon is often replaced with one from a cadaver. Which means Quinn Cook might miss next season too.

Don’t you get it? The only reason this panel of SOCCER PLAYERS who are WOMEN are only annoyed by the celebrations because of ... American men... wait... checks comment... yeah... that don’t make no sense

Deadspin shifts their faux morality to embrace Barstool culture whenever they see fit. If the Russian team had done this to Jamaica, for example, there would be a 70,000 word scolding think piece shat out overnight.

Now playing

Here are the highlights, cued up to the 9th goal of that game. Do you see the difference between the celebrations and Megan Rapinoe’s?

I mean, these commenters weren’t the only ones talking about it.

I’m okay with them scoring a pile of goals. Celebrating those goals with more than a fist bump after about 5-0 just means you’re a bit of a dick.

Totally. I have them in my NBA Medical and Training Staff Fantasy League, and I’m killing it.

This is exactly what I would say about this series if I could write like Ray Ratto.

This still leads to my dream scenario where Durant comes back to save the Warriors and they lose with their full roster. 

“Deflecation” is a great word for what happened there.

-Canada can go fuck itself

Nike: Look, when we say “Just Do It”...

Gesus Christ.

That ball spent so much time on the rim Derek Jeter just proposed to it

At least we don’t have to read Billy call them the “‘Pool Boys” for at least another 2 weeks. 

It’s an old movie and everyone knows the twist by now, but just in case:

If I looked like that I wouldn’t even own shirts.