
This is a weird article. It’s like pointing out that fans like the Mortal Kombat techno song in Mortal Kombat. 

The hell if it was. It was allover the place and the characters were only there to get teamed up. The Snyder cut explains more why Aquaman is there, why cyborg does what he does, and even flash has a reason t be there. Whedons cut just throws them in like yup their a team. The snyder cut they actually have to work to

Joss ultimately made the movie better

dude.... don’t make me tear up. We’re supposed to be enemies

This trailer was better than the debacle that was the original justice league

It worked for Endgame and Infinity War. 

Sounds great. "Dawn" was awesome. Keep forgetting that's his movie. 

Now playing

I always thought this opening sequence was terrific. Overall, this film was a lot of fun.

His version does exist, he’s literally said he has his cut of the movie, as well as multiple cuts of the movie. Jason Mamoa saw one of these cuts of the movie. Therefore it exists in a fashion.

Eh, I think people here are often overreacting. These guys are doing some good, even if their interests annoy others. Far more productive than the bullshit going on here.

For one, to say Snyder has no talent is an incredibly dumb thing to say. Two, he did finish filming, he presented an assembly cut to WB. Now in filmmaking, when principal photography is finished and an assembly cut is made, said cut will be watched and notes will be given and in most cases the studio will give money

To be fair, these people have also donated to suicide prevention charities before. Which is probably more than the people in these comments have done. Hell, it’s more than I’ve done.

Actually, he doesn’t owe anyone anything.

100% agree. I enjoyed MoS a lot because it wasn’t a cookie cutter cartoon based movie.

Umm.. what? Futurama is on a constant replay loop. Rick & Morty. Old Japanese giant robo cartoons, every DC animated movie, JL & JLU I cant even count how many times I’ve seen. Hell I enjoy me some early season spongebob so what are you even on about?

Correct. He was kind, loved his parents, his dog, and saved people. He wasn’t ALL-STAR SUPERMAN, yet.  

But HE DIDN’T. He saved the bus. He’s been saving people all along despite Johnathan’s maybes. He asked if he should let them drown. His earth parent, this world that you live in parent, who just like anyone else on this planet would be petrified of the outcome, said MAYBE. He doesn’t know the answer. No one on THIS

That’s still all the same vanilla cartoon superman living in a cartoon universe with kittens in a tree, truth, justice and the American way..

This is bigger than just OUR LIVES CLARK”. Its not just about his kid! It’s how the whole world would react and most likely implode upon itself. Why is this so hard to grasp??

You’re describing a cartoon Superman. Which is fine, I love that character too.