
Here’s a screenshot. The author makes a note in the beginning before the quote thay he is referring to the bloggers and journalists provoking the fans. So yeah this article is complete bullshit. 

He's not randian or a piece of shit why do you guys act like assholes and make up bullshit about him? And he's already acknowledged that toxic fans exist and has denounced them. 

That's not what Snyder said oreantm. You're taking his words out of context. He was asked about the journalists and bloggers. He said it was easy and fun for the journalists and bloggers to provoke the fans for clickbait. 

And you're still an asshurt clown ;) 

How about you grow the fuck up and get an original retort instead of mimicking mine?

Or how about you get your head out of your ass and realize that just because you don’t like the creative decisions of a director doesn’t make him a hack.

So you're saying you can't read. 

It’s almost like the same songs can be used differently. Shocker. Also it wasnt purposefully cringey. It’s purposefully ironic and satirical. Big difference. The scenes in the trailer weren’t random scenes. Those were the scenes he was teasing the fans of or years and dropping pictures of before the film was announced

When you make a claim about someone’s personality, that’s not an opinion cause thats not subjective territory. Cause that can be proven wrong. How you feel about his films is your opinion.

Yet you still Made a judgement about his personality despite not knowing him. That’s not an opinion because this isn’t something subjective. Just because you don’t find substance doesn’t mean there isn’t and in Snyders case style and substance aren’t mutually exclusive. In his. Films the style is the substance. How he

It’s true though. I mean its in the name of the song “hallelujah” cause the Snyder cut is getting released.

Even enemies can show respect. 

The count fruad people are very much the same people wearing the red hats

I appreciate that. Thank you. 

No this trailer was a thank you to the fans for their hard work. 

Except they’re not reshoots it’s additional Photogrpahy. 4 to 5 minutes worth of it. Not to mention he is editing his film. Into a 4 part miniseries and completing visual Effects and paying the cast and crew with the pandemic going on.

Yet you feel the need to. Judge him. Personally by calling him a petulant emo brat just because you didn’t like his movies. And no just because you didn’t like his films doesn’t make them Pretentious or arrogant or hollow or stuuoid and it doesn’t make his narratives or characters juvenile or shallow. Your need for


That’s a dumb ass claim. Many epics were four hours long.

What ego? You mean the one his haters made up because he is not kissing their ass.