
It's for the fans who fought for the cut and it means something personal to Snyder. If you don't like it, that's fine but understand why he used it. 

For fucks sake, stop with the Maga comparisons, it just makes you look like a bunch of dumbasses. 

What you wrote is complete horseshit. Snyder has been living with the black and white version of the film for 3 years. This is just something for the fans in addition that it’s an homage to seven samurai, a black and white epic that Snyder was inspired by for this movie. Same thing with hallelujah. It’s a tribute for

No, fuck you. You got no right acting like an asshole.

This has nothing to Do with trump.  Stop making these dumbass comparisons. Just because you didn't like his films doesn't mean you get to label his fans as Maga people. You guys are pathetic. 

Yeah no. That would. Make sense if you haven't seen any of Snyders films or you're blind.

You mean whiny haters losing their shit over everything Snyder does.

Except 300 was ironic. 

False. Snyder himself stated that the scene was ironic hence why he used that song. 

Except it did. Get over it. And you're already going in hating it like a troll. 

This has nothing to do with trump. This is a dumb comparison. 

Rightly? Judging from. The theatrical design, that was a load of shit. 

Because hbo max offered him to make it as close to his original vision as possible

As opposed to here where everyone acts like a whiny toddler everytime Snyder breathes? 

Yeah no. If you were offended by bvs, that's your problem. 

Yeah no way was it better than Bvs.

Yeah no, just because you didn’t like bvs doesn’t make it bad and wb messed up by chopping his films.

You people. Need to stop using the word edgelord cause you have fucking destroyed. You don't know what it means. Anything that's not a joke fest to you is edgy. And if you think it will be worse than the theatrical, then yoube been chugging on too much of your own bullshit. 

Atleast you admit to being biased and you're hating it for the sake of hating it.

No the fact that ozymandias is planning to kill a shit ton of people. The squid just doesn't work in the film. So the change in the ending made sense.