
more like film idiots misinterpreting what he is saying and taking his quotes out of context.


yeah thats highly inaccurate.

the rape of silk spectre was in the watchmen comic. queen gorgo wasn’t raped. she willingly accepted the guys political support in exchange for sex. his comments about batman getting raped were joke on what would happen if batman was written by alan moore and the original script wasn’t written by him nor was it going

thats inaccurate to what he said.

he didn’t write the script though.

no they did.

actually he didn’t write the script. someone else did.

how is he a douche nozzle ?

seriously at this point, the av club isn’t even trying to hide the fact that theyre a bunch of snarky assholes or that they have a rage boner for snyder or that they’re obviously taking his words out of context and deliberately misinterpreting what he is saying. can y’all shitheads try to be a little less obvious with

Yeah no. 

He wrote the story for wonder woman and produced both wonder woman and aquaman. Also his films have been positively received by audience members and financially Successful. No jl wasn't his film. 

Just because the character isn’t dark. Doesn’t mean he can’t have dark stories. The flash has had plenty of dark. Stories.

Flash has had dark stories. 

Takes what to know what? When have I been intentionally confusing? 

So you're being intentionally confusing? 

Not sure what you're getting at. 

you obviously haven’t otherwise you would have found them and you wouldn’t be questioning my memory. so try again.

I'm pretty sure that was a no. 

You've already answered the very question you’ve been asking.