I am udderly impressed, though I wonder if the extra heift tipped it over the maximum vehicle capacity? I wish there was video of it mooving to see.
Pretty much this. I also think the M3 should have waited to pass until after the Esses.... that said, the camera car is the real one that should have waited..... This was just practice / qualifying, not like this pass was necessary to win a race.
and raced at the local track after dropping off the snowmobile for it’s racing, then back to pick it up at end of day
Did some searches, found this classic video from 2001. May be related.
Looks like I probably have a few then.
Continuing this thread, as it’s of great interest... The RS diff is really making me more interested. If what I am reading here is the Fusion doesn’t have it (BOOOOO!!!!) then it makes me less interested in trading in our current 2011 Fusion Sport. If the MKZ has it, then that is awesome, but I am not really liking…
The problem with the SS is, as good as it is, you still have to walk out every day and look at it :(
I remember ZIPing up games like Doom 1 or 2 to bring to friends houses an the like. Something like 12 discs the ZIP spanned. God forbid that disk 10 was faulty once you go to their house. THE STRUGGLE IS WAS REAL!
I remember ZIPing up games like Doom 1 or 2 to bring to friends houses an the like. Something like 12 discs the ZIP…
Well that’s why we are only thinking about it :) We like not having a car payment, actually we now have nothing but mortgage, but we are also car people who have some disposable income to spare ;)
Don’t show my wife!
Thinking this could be legit. I have only road in a Tesla once and experienced the self driving for ~40 miles on the highway. If it’s a highway the car/Tesla cloud knows well, then it would have no problem driving for a long time without intervention. We went the full 40 miles only interrupted by our desire to pass…
For fucks sake. Just ignore it. In case you haven’t noticed, most days there are at least 10 articles post. Just move on the next. I for one enjoyed it, it’s nice to expand knowledge outside of just cars and specifically car related stuff.
Same. I also thought it was going to be bad, but was way worse than I even expected.