
Isn’t that basically just two pieces of toast you choose to eat at once?

Sounds like Bellevue last year after the new XC90 launch.

Were you and I the only ones who read between the lines?

because 1998.

I would agree if I didn’t work in Belltown. Commuting in this town is a goddamn joke.

I have serious anxiety about leaving the city proper, though. I feel like if I leave I’ll never be able to afford to get back in. It’s a one-way road to Renton.

I was not on with these women. My family lives in the bay area, though, and I’ve been on the wine train probably half a dozen times. It’s pretty much the whitest thing in the whole wide world but it can be really fun.

It’s really hard these days.

I feel like success in business is building a catalog in your brain of different ways to hedge your verbal bets. “It’s just my opinion,” “...but I’m not married to it,” “...but it’s not a hill I’d die on,” We’re all fulla shit.

Noooooooooooooo. I would end up on the news, they’d be throwing around the word “incident.”

Ha! I have definitely said that in the past but usually for comic affect rather than to announce a piece of gossip. I’ve got a great friend who says, “Between you and me and the coconut tree...” in place of that, which I think is adorable.

One of my employees does this almost as a verbal tick at the end of every, or maybe every-other, sentence. He’s the nicest guy in the world but I grip my desk like a vice when he talks— til my fingers hurt.

Can we get a little love for the cherry E28 in the video though? Any love?

right? Conversations are happening all over Madison Ave. right now: “So if we just photograph mannequins, can anyone get mad at us? What if we paint the mannequins blue?” / “No, sorry, we got an angry tweet from a Na’vi just as you were saying that.”

Right, but only after you hit F2 to open the cell for editing. :) I wish it were less of pain to attach a picture of my keyboard but F4 is the only key besides my spacebar that has that sheen of overuse on it. The F4 label is long gone by now.

Isn’t CTRL+n a new spreadsheet? F4 just redoes whatever you did to the last cell you were in. Especially useful when you’re formatting.

If there’s content already in the cell, you’ll erase it if you just start typing. If you hit F2, it opens the cell for editing.

“Redo” with F4 changed my life.

Jesus Christ these responses are hateful. Is this what it's always like?

I think someone might have zigged when they meant to zag with that word. Neurology is a specialty. Neuropathy is a diverse family of disorders. I suppose a neurologist could specialize in treating Neuropathy, but that isn’t how most of the physicians I know present their specialty. I think it’s too hard to build a