
It's always hard to reconcile agreeable idealism (without which our world would be a wasteland of shit) and confronting reality (without which propagating change is impossible.) I'm not surprised, even as a big fan of Obama, that his answer was "political" in nature. He understands ways and means. Given the choice,

Bye, Felicia!! :)

"Bye Felicia" is what Smokey and Craig say to get rid of Felicia in the movie Friday. Felicia keeps dropping by asking for stuff, because that's what crackheads do. That's why "Bye Felicia" is what people say when someone is bothering them like a pesky crackhead and they have no more energy to give to their


Can I move in with you?

This is the most useful thing I've seen on the internet in weeks! I love eating salad, hate figuring out wtf to put in one!

I'm glad we're on the same page.

...while watching Scandal? because if yes, then there's a few other people around here with whom we need to start a club.

That seemed like a likely scenario to me too, until I remembered I grew up in the Valley Division of LAPD and lived there 26 years. It's not like there's a 3 minute response time to a lewd conduct call. And in this neighborhood, nobody called the cops because they're an interracial couple. This is Ventura Blvd.

tell your friends! lol

I heard that same thing from a very smart person last night, too. I see your point, but I guess we're looking at two different aspects of self-respect. My version goes something like this: when possible, try and present your favorite version of yourself to the world. I hope this isn't her favorite version of

Bye. Felicia.

There's no reasonable conclusion about her that ends in, "she respects herself."

Can I just say, this has pretty much been the pinnacle of my Kinja career. I'm pleased as punch with my hundredish stars. I can't imagine if I wasn't grey around here. The excitement might be too much.

I was gonna say. Combat pay, Dallas sucks.


You go, Glen Cocopop!!

oh, seriously. you and your big brain are making me horny. should we just do it right here?

An element of both, perhaps. I'm not sure I understand the case in favor of self-respect here, though, if I'm honest.

Fuck yeah man, you ARE awesome, too! Let's get married and have a shitload of babies, but let's make them IN THE FUCKIN' HOUSE LIKE PEOPLE DO. Not outside, like animals do.