...doesn’t that translate out to “Gay on Ice”?
...doesn’t that translate out to “Gay on Ice”?
When will we get a good anime that doesn’t rely on sex, or young girls?
...Am I?
I keep telling myself I enjoy the game... but my online ranking is like...80+ matches and 4 wins. I get aggravated with the brainless endless combos and not being able to move most of the time. I know how to do combos myself, but I like to think in the moment and try different strategies... but in a game like this you…
Yes, not knowing any details is tremendously disgusting.... Exploitation sounds like it could mean anything.
People think everything is racist these days.
This goes with every fighting game... but games that have too many combos and situations I can’t escape from, make me want to throw the game out on day 3. People online wont let me move 95% of the game, making me fell helpless. I want a fighting game with 3 combos at most, and the health gauge is large.
He looks the way I feel after a few years of graphic design. I tried a UFC demo once... was pretty boring.
Hey, I’m a fur-curious Sonic fan and I have no problem with it. I have a problem with people who always have a problem.
...who the fuck cares?
So they’re not accurate with acting %100 Ugandan and mention diseases, what does it matter?
Do you really think the people doing this to be racist? Or because they feel like it’s just goofy fun? Because that matters.
....The creator of the film “Who Killed Captain Alex” is more than ok with the meme. Doing an accent is not racist. The meme is just about having fun and being goofy. Don’t get offended by everything.
I’d have more confidence in the new FF7 game if these people were in charge of it. Top notch voice acting, these guys do it right. Square Enix though... they never seem to hit the mark with voices and whatnot for that cinematic feeling.
Um, lol.... no. To not have as many fat main characters in games doesn’t mean it DEMONIZES them. It just doesn’t really make sense to have them in most cases. If anything it can inspire fat people to loose some weight.
I don’t get the appeal of watching other people play live.... why not just play the shit yourself? Unless it’s from a guaranteed hilarious person or you’re stuck and need to watch if you’re stuck in a spot, why watch someone else do something? The whole concept is like being lazy with your time with an extra step.
Seems like it’s aimed for people who give 0 fucks about their health and appearance.
I think game companies need to realize that once people have played an rpg, it’s highly unlikely they’ll want to continue to go back to it, unless there was something extremely replayable about it and kept it fresh very often... but it didn’t even have a strong story to it and felt incomplete when it first came out.…
As much as I want to like Dissidia... I just can’t seem to get in to it. There’s too much visual shit happening on screen at once, it feels like a miracle when you get it to do something you want, it’s aggravating more than anything. Glad I tried the beta before buying.
I think it’s fun. I use a VR headset with it, maybe that’s why I like it more. What I hate though, is that I have to go searching for the models I want to use, and can’t just have them in an inventory to switch from in my menu.