The dragon world was so small... I wonder if there’ll be DLC later for it.
The dragon world was so small... I wonder if there’ll be DLC later for it.
I use 3 browsers at once all the time for different reasons, doesn’t matter to me.
Their site is so slow... I think they must be mining bitcoin through user’s browsers...
Not sure why Kotaku is posting about this... but I saw this coming. I mean... what do you expect to happen? People don’t want to pay for porn, movies, music, etc. It’s a little hard to control.
Just tried Ghost Peppers.... doesn’t taste any different that their other spice...
I’ve always been a popeye’s guy. I tried KFC for the first time in forever.... they have some nice meal deals, but god they put WAY too much sauce on their spiciest chicken pieces... it was hard to finish. Popeyes has a good breading texture and good spice to it, though I always thought it could be slightly spicer...…
I disagree on all of these... except for the last 3.
That’s the first thought I had, though I was going to express it in an offensive way to get people flaying their hands like kermit the frog on here. I don’t like barriers on creativity, not that I’m one to dare do it. I think it sucks we can’t do certain things without everyone else having a panic attack.
When it comes to Hollywood cases where it’s not rape, at what point did the women decide to say “no” and just run away? The ones who “decided” to go through with sexual acts to get farther in life and complain about it 30 years later have themselves to blame for ultimately consenting to deal with that bullshit and not…
Meh, I’ll judge it based on the story and etc. Already looking better than Dragonball and other anime movies.
Fucking whiney ass idiots. Every character on the show is a fucking stereotype, get the fuck over it.
More Woman-splaining? You mean like they should be beating up guys?
Wow, Jezebel is full of overly offended man haters... You people need to get a life. If you ever want to be with a guy, having a hatred towards his sex is going to make it hard for anyone to want to stay with you.
Oh no... an overly offended woman. Those are rare to find these days.
Aw... so I can’t build a giant Mario statue and sell it on Craigslist to make enough money to keep my apartment?
Is this really a video game thing?
:( For a second I thought it was about US’s Bulma, but still sad.
Most fans are used to it to the point it’d sound weird if a male voiced him,I think.
I’m a guy... and in middle school, the 2 black girls in my class asked if they could touch my hair. I wasn’t sure why... but I thought it was nice that someone wanted to touch my hair and I allowed it. It feels nice when people feel your hair... are people actually starting to complain about it so much that it called…