Hank Hill

This is why I stopped reading Kotaku... I had to come back on this account from like a decade ago just to remind this website why they’re failing. Like everyone else I’ve switched to reddit/youtube, anything else for actual news.

Sephiroth was on screen during Aerith’s death for 7 seconds. Cloud didn’t do anything within those 7 seconds last time. You have 7 seconds.

Gotta say all the churchy talk put me in a... I guess “trigger” mode as this generation says... as an Atheist. But yeah, that’s what bothers me about this “revision”. It’s not properly introducing things... it’s assuming you’ve played the original and the psp game. Fuck, this shouldn’t be kingdom hearts where you’re

Just wait until you realize that the game title “REMAKE” is a false name for the game, and they changed... literally everything about it and made it Kingdom god-damn Hearts. Your heart will be irritated.

I got mine for free from my local library....

I got mine for free from my local library....

I ended up playing until 3am yesterday and didn’t feel anything too weird... actually I wasn’t really that tired. It’s like that survival feeling just sticks with you... the stress and curiosity for what comes next keeps you awake and aware. I kind of wish the Index had QLED screens so that I can see those dark scenes

The Shadow DLC in Forces? Whatever floats your boat.

Today in weird random ass news pandering to a small percentage of the world....

The lyrics are too shitty to make a cover for this.

The music doesn’t fit Sonic, and the words are just random mumbled references. Rap doesn’t suite Sonic. His movie theme needs to be more energetic and recognizable, and maybe have a hint of sounding retro.... not this new age lazy rap music.

I identify as a dragon on mondays, and a planet on tuesdays. It changes on a weekly basis, do you dare get my pronouns wrong?

Boy, I oughtta slap your ass.

I miss when Kotaku was about games, and not lgbt.

You had me until this comment”and misogynist ideologies that fuel the men who massacre the innocent.” Isn’t it sexist to address all potential shooters as men? Or do you just like slapping that up there because it makes you feel like a good feminist?

Well then stop using names like “Jayden “YourPrincess””, Stop dressing up like an anime whore, and acting like you just got back from a club. You give yourselves this term. Though I never watched any streamers, I could give less than 2 fucks to watch other people play games when I could be playing them instead.

“(Equality, shmequality—we’re all adults, so let’s not pretend we don’t know whose time is more valuable here.)“

Woah woah woah... FUCK YOU. This is why I think feminists are hypocritical bungholes. Statements like this piss me off.

Holy fuck Kotaku, are you seriously arguing about Barrett? This is how he was portrayed in the original and pretty much all representations of the character. I thought they gave him a good voice, it’s not too comical on his attitude but has a good serious balance. Take the stick out of your ass and don’t be affected

I get all my games free anyway, from the library.

I never gave a shit about Twitter, or instagram, or snapchat, or whatever. Facebook seems to have all that shit without limitation, why would people flock to different things that offer less? I never understood that.

If you’re going to complain about words like “bitch” and “pussy”, you truly are over sensitive. Men call each other that too. Personally I’m not that type, but it has nothing to do with sexism. No corporation or company will always be 50/50 on the sexes they hire, they choose who they think fits best based on certain