Isn’t ghosts and goblins basically Dark Souls 2d?
Isn’t ghosts and goblins basically Dark Souls 2d?
That character they used looks dumb with glasses. I’m guessing they might do dlc for more outfit options. I had an old sonic-based character I made a long long time ago that wasn’t too close to a template that the game used, I don’t think I could get close enough to making my guy. But... this does add something new to…
I hate how kotaku is becoming 80% etardsports. Some of us just want regular video game news.
Doesn’t that translation come out as “Gay on Ice”?
Yes... why is someone chewing on plastic actual news? I still think it’s a valid question and wasn’t satisfied with the answer.
My co-worker that’s 6 feet away from me naws and a plastic fork for hours loudly, and I want to punch him in the face. Fucking inconsiderate noise, it’s disgusting, and he looks like an idiot when he does it. But also, why is this news?
She doesn’t really look like a teen.
Oh, I thought it was already out.
...why would they make a vr headset dedicated to that? ...I guess for the augmented reality side.. but still... release something for vive/rift.
Why isn’t Splatoon 2 on here?
Not sure what you’re getting at. If country singers all started having their own games I’d be questioning the hell out of that too.
The music... really hurts my ears.
...I think that type of thing happens when you’re on ANY famous show and you bring opposing political views. You’ll always get assholes who will spend their free time to send you hate mail for not having the same opinion. I’m sure righties who visited the Daily Show got a dose of the same thing from his fans after the…
That didn’t really sound authoritative...
This is why I feel a sense of fear when handing someone my controller to play a game of mine.
I’d be happier if they just made Satam games instead of this modern and classic stuff they keep repeating...
Huh, so that’s the thing I usually feel...
....fer progrease.