Hank Hill

Huh... how do I know real life isn’t the same way? Maybe what’s behind me doesn’t exist until I look back.

Well, again... can’t get the same feel without physical controls. Seems nice though. My computers still does that, and my phone can already play enough games... and then there’s the switch... so I’m fine with my portable gaming for now.

Wish I didn’t spend $30 on a case from gamestop. Everything else is half the price or less.

Wish I didn’t spend $30 on a case from gamestop. Everything else is half the price or less. feels a little too soon to release another system... It feels like just yesterday that Xbone came out. There’s just too much hardware being released these days, and it’s hard to concentrate on the games... the thing that actually matters.

I get that feeling with all new games come out that I love. Like a jaded feeling.

Ah bunny ears, that gateway accessory to being into furry stuff.

I refuse to beileve that any man who snowboards is into fat chicks.

I’d like to see what they try to sell me... I only visit Kotaku and Rule 34.

I give 0 shits for caring about any sport, including games. I just want to play and not watch. But... one plus if I ever had to attend this shit, would be that I can yell out RAPE. And that everyone else would chant with me.

From what I heard, there are 3 different forms of gameplay in the game. So... I’m guessing this, classic, and that middle area that was more free roaming.

...Have you not even heard of the other new game?

yup yup

The arcade 40 minutes away has the game I believe... but then they have like... everything. I even saw Sonic The Fighters and Sonic Arcade.

For that price, it should do everything the one in the movie does. At least move around.

Too bad Switch still can’t compare to other current hardware to prevent frame rate drops. I’ll probably buy a switch when the price goes down a little. I still have other systems keeping me occupied and don’t really need yet another system so soon.

Did they really think 32gb would be enough for people? Ugh.

I laughed when it said “I can’t get no satisfaction”.

I still don’t get why she has to be naked. Totally going to draw away the people who hate fan-service and the feminazis. In the anime she had to be naked to be invisible, and the other guy who went invisible just had to wear a cloak...

Oh yeah... I’ll be playing with the new cat.

...I see nothing wrong with them...