Hank Hill

I hate that the video is so small at I can’t see the time bar.

I had no problem with it. Just the X to interact with interacting objects.

One of the reasons I just can’t play that shit online... I used to think I was good... but if I can’t even get a move in edge wise, why bother trying?

I’ve always had a problem with wireless mouses. ...Or is it mice? I can’t seem to work on any surface I want without it spazing out, or having a delay. Wired... it’s connected to the computer so I can’t accidentally loose it, it’s not as expensive, and it’ll work on different surfaces.

I’ve always had a problem with wireless mouses. ...Or is it mice? I can’t seem to work on any surface I want without

Um... why does his laptop say “infedel”?

PSA - cup noodles is terrible for your health. And Ramen noodle is VERY bad for women.

Oh god the matriarchy is at it again, I’m so offended.

I’m not sure if people here realize that Obama did the same thing for 6 months. In a “slightly” less sever way.... but no one was pulling off all this drama in the media. I hate Trump, but I find it hypocritical of how republicans are acting out.

No video?

“But be real with me, here. If you walked up to a group of women, said you’d fuck them even if they said no, that all you’ve gotta do is grab them by the pussy, how happy do you think they’d be with you? How happy would they be if you were their boss? If you were the leader of their country?”

I don’t really want to do it with a buff chick thou.

What has he actually done against women though? All I usually hear are things that can’t be proven. We do know that a Clinton did several things to several women. Just because alt right likes him doesn’t mean he’s for them. We seem to now live in a time where some people are ultra sensitive. Look, I’m not a Trump

I don’t get it. Where were all these people when a president “legitimately” did something wrong to a woman? You know, during the whole Bill Clinton thing. Like, evidence for some form of mistreatment. And the fact that Hillary just kept letting it happen and making those women that got involved have a terrible life

Then you’re a tool.

...He needs to get over it. I wouldn’t mind the reverse, but you know... just fucking enjoy the game. Why can’t we just ENJOY things anymore?

It’s probably unfair to say you “hate” anime at that point then. What you probably mean is that you hate certain things about most that come out... which I do too, but there are a select few that are Golden. Fullmetal Alchemist and Death Note are also really good.

Well you see, your first problem was buying it before the Chinese kids had time to put it together for you. Just buy a full model.

As a guy who wants to show family a few series... fan service can prevent me from watching with family... because it’s embarrassing when there’s needless boobs and whatnot.

But 10km eggs don’t exist anymore... at least I haven’t found one since August...