
This. If your career is involved with any of the things mentioned above, or if any of them define your lifestyle, it makes a lot of sense to live there. Also, some people simply love it. Personally, none of it’s for me, but I don’t look at NYC and say “well that makes no sense at all”.

I’ve mainly been PC gaming the last year or two (haven’t loved the Xbone’s exclusives), and even for that I’m considering just upgrading to 144hz instead of 4k. I have friends with 4k tvs and I can see the difference for certain content, however there is still just not enough out there to convince me. I think if most


To further exemplify, during the 11-12 playoffs (Magic were a 5th-6th seed, Dwight was injured and everyone knew he was leaving), I hit up a bar around downtown, and I’d say 3/4ths of the crowd were watching the NFL draft. Yes we were without our star, but it was game 1, come on.....

I mean, is this not the case in most cities? Don’t get me wrong, it sucks. I lived in Orlando during their Dwight years (he was technically great at one point) and the hype came out of seemingly nowhere. Now, the Magic suck, and their MLS team is adored, to the point where I’ve read articles stating Orlando City is

Agree 100%. It certainly depends on the game (and in most cases, shooters), but a 144hz monitor adds much more to the experience than 4k resolution.

Not saying it’s a big deal you don’t care about framerates (and honestly, for many games 30 is great), but it really does change the experience, especially for anything first person. I highly recommend checking out a shooter at 144fps (on the correct monitor of course). IMO, much more important than resolution for

Are these guys playing with controllers? Especially in the first video, the looking around and aiming seems so sluggish. I guess I’m used to doing quick 180s with flicks of the mouse to see what’s behind me every so often. I guess that doesn’t make for the best demo of a new game though haha.

Exactly.... it definitely depends on the game, but 144hz monitors are amazing for fast paced shooters.

Depends on the game, but I strongly disagree with you on this. For vast, open world games, 30fps is worth the hit for filling the screen with gorgeous graphics (Witcher 3 on my pc, for example, runs 30-40 fps with everything on high). But for anything fast paced or competitive, there is a massive difference between 30

This is my issue... a gaming PC with one of the top end gaming cards (GTX 1080) will have issues with 4k gaming at 60fps, without turning down some settings. (PC guys, correct me if I’m wrong). To me it just seems too good to be true without some sort of compromise, especially for that price and in that small of a

Don’t you mean Hank Sr? I’ve never heard anyone refer to Hank Jr as true country. I may not be big fan of the genre but my wife and in-laws are and I’m pretty sure the consensus on Hank Jr is “he’s ok”.

Just feels like an updated 6 series... maybe a bit more low profile and longer. Am I the only one that secretly wished for the return of flip up headlights? Or realistically, something like the R8 where they are integrated into the grill/bumper a bit more.

All good. I moved back here in the last few years after growing up here (moved away for 10+ years). I never really recall any issues for the past Super Bowls, and the recent NCAA championship seem to receive praise from most for how it was handled. The area didn’t seem overloaded at all. I would say it probably

Valid questions, although they have hosted at least two already.

Reminds of the Christmas episode of Black Mirror. That was a doozy.

I wouldn’t say it’s that bad of a community. And these heroes aren’t underpowered, it’s just that they have a higher skill floor than MANY other heroes to pick from. So the chances of someone picking Hanzo and playing poorly (especially in lower tiers) are pretty high. If they would pick a tank or a lower floor DPS,

Are you being sarcastic? Press P and click one of the 5 or less icons to mute? Or why not just not auto-join team chat?(however I don’t recommend that in a team based game.)

The problem is, if someone sucks at Hanzo, it can really hurt the team. Someone that sucks with a low skill floor player like Solider or a tank can still help the team out significantly, especially if the support roles are filled and being played well.

THIS is my main problem. I’m pretty reserved when I see someone instapick a Hanzo/Genji/Widow without even discussing anything with the team, however angry it may make me. A lot of the time, they are actually decent and the rage and toxicity from the team is undeserved. My problem is when the Hanzo main clearly isn’t