
The one where most 10 year olds have barely heard of periods, much less understand them (or what they are protesting in relation to them). And that includes girls who have already started menstruating. The one where 10 year olds are not old enough to evaluate the economic argument behind rescinding tampon taxes. The

Maybe she doesn't realize she is a 0.2769 on his scale and not worth the effort. 

I’m reluctant to defend Black because she is a hypocritical POS, but I took it that her issue was with age more than content. I was dragged to protests at that age and given age-inappropriate props I didnt fully understand, so maybe I’m too sensitive, but I think it is damaging to chidren. Black is right that signs

Nice try, ladies. Republicans have spent decades rejecting identity politics and insisting that the playing field really is level. It's a bit late to be hopping on the feminism train. 

So that’s why they make you fart. It all makes sense now!

I guess I don’t see how s/he is getting ripped off. I looked it up, and $16/hr is only a bit less than the lower end of average for a digital jack of all trades. Probably lowish because s/he lives in a low COL (and therefore lower wage) area & has only 1 year experience. There is much to be said for standing up for

Resigning en masse only works if you have some sort of parliamentary system. In a system where your duty is to Constitution and country but you can be replaced on the head of state’s whim, we are lucky they aren’t all quitting. Public outcry (if any) won’t prevent Trump from stacking the deck with rank and file

Not gonna lie, $28k isn’t much. That’s what I made starting out 20 years ago, and obviously COL has risen since then. BUT...getting a promotion with more responsibilities within 6 months means you are on the right track. A $3.50/hr raise is not bad, even if it doesn’t improve your finances much. I would say stick it

I would add a caveat to include people who work in and/or send their kids to public school since you can’t help how you were raised. But yeah, people with zero involvement and who are against public education ideologically should be excluded. 

I think the problem is more that he is young and has a smug, douchebro demeanor. Like so many youths, he doesn’t know any better than to double down on his preexisting ideology. I, too, was once a conservative (ish) homeschooled virgin with an aptitude for administration, and I turned out my thirties. 

That is a beautiful color that not everyone can wear. I would say it is borderline with her coloring. But the cut! Oy vey! Like everything else she wears, it is almost right but not quite. The bodice is wrong, the belt shouldn’t draw up in the center, and the sleeves and skirt are too full. It is also slightly LARPy

Macron is just playing up to Gropenfuhrer so he can try to use him as leverage with Merkel. And Trump is too dumb to realize it. Plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose.

Hey, Beni! You’re on the wrong side of the river!  

You wish. Slap the label "Christian" on something, and everything is awesome. Everything is cool when you're part of the team. 

They won’t come crying. Most will end up as Marthas and econowives. Not so bad if you keep your head down. They are lucky to be there, really. They are already skilled at wishful thinking, ignoring, looking the other way, willful ignorance, and misplaced optimism. That won’t change in Gilead.

Gropenfuhrer probably like breastfeeding porn. 

I wonder how many formerly complacent parents will be willing to pull their kids out of class, harass the administration, etc. when THEIR kids are the ones in the classroom with one of these Yosemite Sams. I also wonder whose side the teachers’ union will be on. 

I’m not usually into retro Catholicism but maybe His Popiness should go back to excommunicating people. 

It’s so weird, though, that in all their “Dear John” letters the seceding states specifically said they were leaving because they wanted to keep on enslaving their black residents because white people are naturally superior. But yeah, sure. States rights all the way. Maybe you should read Alexander Stephens’

Why not mention it to him before you ask her out? Not to ask permission but just to say “hey I was thinking about asking X out; is that a bad idea?" I say this because when my husband first asked me out he was (unbeknownst to me since we had just met) taking a break from a friend with benefits who was an acquaintance