
Everything about this team and its owners is insufferable.

Cute baby is cute.

I enjoyed the movie.

Yeah let’s give a large stage to the discredited, lying snake oil salesman to put more innocent children at risk.

I don’t “get” how someone allows that blobfish to feed on them.

This occurred blocks from my house, and is blocks away from where the San Bernardino shootings occurred last year. She was also sent to my hospital (which is all I’m going to say about that).

Watched it last night. It was entertaining but certainly won't win any oscars.

As I’m sure you know, it is quite easy, particularly for anesthesiologists and EM physicians, to obtain narcotics.

Hopin’ this guy’s face finds a fist soon.

You may want to include his excuse for his semen winding up on the patient’s cheek: he had just masturbated in the lounge and it accidentally dripped on her.

As a physician with several friends who know and have worked with this guy, let me just say that the entire emergency medicine community is at a total loss. This guy was top 3 in terms of powerful/influential EM docs. Truly staggering.

Hockey rules.

Appellate courts have the power to ignore that part of the law and issue a clean stay of the award/verdict.

Appellate courts have the power to stay the verdict and not require any payment of the award in advance.

Hockey rules.

My wife faints at the sight of her own blood very easily, and this has persisted after three vaginal deliveries. This is not uncommon.

I’m not disagreeing with your sentiment but when I went whale watching I couldn’t stop vomiting cause I’m a useless landlocked baby.

I agree...I don’t really “get” it however maybe being in the medical field has made me immune to girl cooties or something? It's pretty embarrassing a middle aged guy made this joke. You fucking sound like you're 12, idiot.

These people are so objectively awful. I feel really bad for whoever the nominee is.

Because basketball sucks. Suck it.