
That she even was able to vomit this out her mouth is worrisome anyway.

Too much internet for me today, see ya later.

Why don't we just let everyone vote, wanna see Cookie Monster as Speaker.

Some people do fine. My wife, however, had previous laparoscopic surgery where they used her belly button as a port entry site. So after three kids it is all stretched out and looks funny (to her, I think she looks great). She is going to get a tummy tuck and have it “fixed” eventually.

This country is such a shithole.

Oh, childbirth can really fucking destroy your belly button, however YMMV.

When I take the elevator one flight I usually fake a slight limp to imply an occult knee injury.

I hope they both have their brains eaten away by bacteria slowly over several days so they can feel what their son must have felt.


Fuck. That's awful.

So they gave him the money then asked for it back a full year and a half later? Fuck that, touch shit Dan. Fuck you.

Those lips look...very attractive??

Compare this guy to the current clowns running for president, it is really quite remarkable. The GOP field speaks for itself. Clinton hangs out with fucking Kissinger? Next they’ll spot Sanders Netflix and chillin with Kim Jong-un.


Why did he shoot the free throws? Couldn't a teammate have done it?

That pic makes me want to die.

Well, this blows.

I don't understand why the Youngs use the clover emoji.

fuck that guy, hope he was alive the whole way down.

“It is just a few IQ points. ... It is not the end of the world.”