
I have been calling her Darth Swan in my tweets since the beginning of the season.

They did a version of Little Match Girl. It is in the new shorts collection. DVD. It’s on Netflix now too.


And not as Black Dahlia.

Reminds me of later Spellfire Expansion sets and chase cards.

If there is a theater with 100 people, 99 of them would walk out saying “Who the fuck is Deathstroke?” So no this isn’t going to happen.

You’re confusing the word rumor with “speculation”

Runaway (1984)

We should make sure The Force Awakens stays in theaters for as long as possible.

Live action Thundercats

Plot to next week’s All New Sleepy Hollow on Fox.

How did you miss commenting that Fridge was William the Refrigerator Perry? And Rocky Balboa?

I rember having to have the shield to do the deed so I must have played through twice.

I don’t remember having to play through twice.

I beat this game once. Once.

I think the hilted saber is made from Vader’s red saber.

Any Pokemon fan who has played in an Ingress Anomaly should be super hyped for this. Imagine sponsored events where hundreds of fans come together to play. I really doubt that this will really be Ingress Skinned. No links no fields, but they may use already existing portals as access points for Pokemon to generate. A,

Bruce Campbell, Army of Darkness.

Peter Pan is never less than 70 now. 45 would be worth the apocalypse.