
Are German pancakes slightly racist? French toast? White bread? Or are we just hypersensitive, taking offense where none was intended?

Native American here. These names are ok.

Photo of the security guard in question.

are we pretending Martha never happened?

The context she wants is “we should never make films out of this”. That’s nonsense.

Nick Young has problems with vowels and vows, apparently.

I dnt play them games

Your bigotry is not adorable to me. You are ignorant of the vows of poverty that all Christian religious take. Churches are not designed to worship at the regressive progressive altar of “diversity”......but rather are clubs established by those who freely choose similarity. You don’t have to join, and won’t be



Dear internet list compilers,

So these are all basically from the Peter Jackson Kong movie then?

The only way that should work is if his Force Ghost appears all distorted, almost like it’s a faulty hologram, and Han goes “THAT’S NOT HOW THE FORCE WORKS!” before immediately fading away again.

All of it was in the novelization which was released before the movie.

Journalism? This is just aggregation with a hint of commentary.

Agreed. This is lazy journalism.

Dammit, I keep falling for these articles. At least give us the list!

This is exactly the sort of thing that would be far better in text format than video. :’(

“(Minus the Tatooine clothes being Jedi robes....that was just fucking moronic)“

I mean, the one thing the prequels did have going for them was the costuming. (Minus the Tatooine clothes being Jedi robes....that was just fucking moronic).