
The circle represents the world and the red the beating heart? Yeah. Sure....

When I was in second grade a girl brought her guppies and babies to school for show and tell. The babies were gone after Recess and she cried uncontrollably the rest of the day.

Kids leave sticky handprints on screens.

One of these men is John Kruk. The other has a mullet.

Zero words. It is a picture book.

I think it will be a bromance film: When Hanny met Chewy.

Doc and Marty?

The first cutaway scene in the show evoked Fight Club for me. Like a reverse of the last scene in Fight Club. Men in suits watching buildings going up in daylight instead of being demolished at night.

Or you know, they start the characters in a bad place so they can show change and development.

Don’t have to. I’m married to an attractive woman. She helped me pick out the shirt. My children adore it too.

Disney Hollywood Studios. Tomorrow, Saturday, and Sunday are the last days they will be available unless Disney posts the to their online store.

That’s my front bro.

Got my t shirt this weekend. $5 of purchase went to Force for Change.

Red Wolf looks more 1782 than 1872.

Four words: Crisis on Infinite Earths.

The bionic giraffe race was fixed.

19 minute


Pretty sure Perry King ended up being Han Solo in the radio serialization.

I like boobs, but glad they resisted the urge to do boob armor.