
Planes can’t fly in straight lines.

lights don't fall silent. They fall dark.

Wasabi has never burned my mouth, just my sinuses. I love the sensation actually.


this would be awesome if the GI Joe, Teenage Mutant NinjaTurtle, and Scooby Doo franchises were all part of this shared universe as well.

How is Falcon not safe? Hes been an Avenger for over 30 years

Werent these already out last Christmas?

blame Waru.

the preferred term is "little person"

ive seen squirrels eat lizards.

i spotted Joe Rohde in the video. This should turn out pretty cool.

I had that red Countach when i was a kid. I remember it coming out ofvthe box full of asian writing and a little dude to fit in the seat.

I fanficed this years ago but i called it L'Attitude.

i was just about to point out the same thing.

Not to be pedantic, but wouldnt 1909 be the early 20th century?

reminds me of the old Bantam Star Wars forum.

if you aren't plating straight through as the game was meant to be plated then it is cheating

i was excited till I read he cheated.

are the characters created by Baroness Orczi or Rafael Sabatini not in public domain?