In another case of white fragility gone wild, a father-and-son referee duo refused to work a New Jersey high school…
In another case of white fragility gone wild, a father-and-son referee duo refused to work a New Jersey high school…
Kudos to whoever wore that terrifying David Spade costume. Yeesh.
To paraphrase the comedian Doug Stanhope: If you lose your job or your admission to college to someone who just moved here and for whom English is a second language, maybe you’re not the master race. Maybe you are just stupid, lazy, and looking for an excuse.
The slow-thinking, thick-tongued members of the master race converged on two Tennessee towns Saturday in an effort…
Why is it a problem? Straight men boast about their conquests all the time. Some even say it on TV about their daughters or grabbing random women. I don’t see the people who complain about ‘aggressive’ gay men making a big fuss of that.
Right? Weird as shit. I can’t believe nobody else is asking.
Who....or what is standing on the other side of Courtney Love? It looks like someone wearing a Peter Dinklage mask. A really good Peter Dinklage mask. And some kind of flayed-bodysuit situation underneath.
It’s going to be one of the best Halloweens in years. Might even come a day early.
Or a “Betrayal of trust” charge is an automatic 3 years added to a sentence.
Editor’s note: This article originally appeared in “White-People Quarterly.” For a subscription, please consult your…
It’s our own fault. Our generation endlessly made fun of them for not being on the internet. We KNEW they lacked the basic intellectual grammar for it, just like we lack the basic intellectual grammar for doing things that kids will be doing in ten years, but we still bullied and peer pressured them into it.
I already detest the fact that airlines have decided that it is somehow necessary to pipe on shitty pop music during boarding and deplaning. Why on earth do they think I want to listen to their horrid music selections while I’m captive on the plane?
Oh man, I’m literally sitting in a stall, taking a shit, and laughing out loud. I can hear people quickly washing their hands and rushing out to avoid the laughing pooper in the stall behind them. Thank you kind sir.
I didn’t even like the trend toward jokey pilots. Passengers should concentrate on being civil to their fellow passengers. Crew should concentrate on operating the goddamn aircraft. All things happening on planes should serve one of those two imperatives.
Wow. Today’s Code 45* indicates that deep down he thinks he’s finally done it. His subconscious is struggling with the fact that he has unwittingly accomplished what so many others tried but failed to do – he has Made Hillary Great Again #MHGA. Much like how so many people are suddenly discovering an odd fondness for…
I hate this kind of shit so much
When I was a kid, I thought their generation was filled with smart people and great role models. Now I hate a lot of them and hope to never become them when I get to their age.
I can’t speak to the legitimacy of the Bennett photo, but I do know this picture is real and it pisses me off. Really, though, we all kind of secretly knew.