
My god, that’s exactly what my initial impression of him is.

He’s Canadian, thus equally unqualified to be President.


Trump asked Bannon to go with him, but Bannon replied with a hooded stare.

The thing that’s interesting to me about all this is that he still didn’t undermine the general narrative of the Right, just came to a different conclusion.

It’s pretty telling that you think being anti-police brutality, pro-equal treatment under the law is the same thing as being anti-white. Fucking racist.

Have you ever seen any violent reactions towards blacks for speaking up and using that free speech thing? Hint: You have. Have you seen any white 45 supporters attacking blacks at 45's rallies? Hint: You have. Have you seen white folk assaulting BLM protestors? Hint: You have.

Milo finally said something that makes the Evangelical Right squirm. He reinforced their narrative regarding homosexuality, (i.e. gays become gay because they are abused,) but said it was a good thing. This is the only thing he has said that would lose him book sales with the target audience of Dangerous.

“condoned sexual relations between grown men and boys as young as 13 but”. I’m guessing it was the fact it was homosexual in nature that set conservatives off? Because Donald Trump himself has admitted his attraction to 12-13 year olds and regularly walked in on nude contestants of the Miss Teen pageants, yet they

The important thing is that white people in Idaho feel safe from Mexicans.

Yeah, not taking a salary my ass.

1.) It would have taken President Obama all of 15 seconds to condemn this in the strongest terms. Of course, this would not have happened with such free abandon under his administration.

I know you put the sarcasm tag there, but in point of fact, the president is required to take the salary. He could theoretically set up some mechanism to return the funds to the treasury after receiving them, but hasn’t, or he could give the money to charity. Hmmm.... In truth, the “I won’t take a salary” stuff was

Right? Why would he appoint someone knows less about ISIS than he does?

Agreed, but if this is what makes people finally shut the fuck up about Milo being a voice of reason among a sea of libtards, then fine.

Well, I know one guy’s taxes that aren’t paying for it.

You say “sexual abuse of a minor.”

But at least he’s not taking a salary, you guys!

not when he could be in the Cabinet