why, this is nothing more than blue talk describing a red state, i do believe.
why, this is nothing more than blue talk describing a red state, i do believe.
Or, maybe, Democrats are actually capable of being nuanced about things, and liked Wikileaks when it was publicly committing itself to being neutral and non-partisan. And then Assange was put under investigation for rape and his history of egotism and egomania came to light, and Wikileaks started leaking things like…
Member when Assange prolonged the publishing of hacked DNC e-mails to keep the story in the news cycle as long as possible?
It’s important to remember that WikiLeaks didn’t just publish the emails that were twisted into evidence for Pizzagate, but actively encouraged that interpretation.
When O Rly blamed Sean Hornbeck for not escaping from his abductor (because it must have been sooo fun to not have rules- I mean in between getting raped obvi) I lost whatever amount of respect I had for people who don’t think Bill Orly is a terrible human being.
Like, does he (and every other buttfaced Republican), not understand that PP offers more services other than abortions? JFC!!
“They die in the street, hopefully not before finding Jesus first. Next question.”
No, no, no. The point is to punish the woman.
According to Republicans, the only two problems facing U.S. citizens today are women having abortions and transgender people attacking children in public restrooms.
People like this—that is, people who take advantage of a hard-won fight in society to be safe and happy in order to spread rage and hate—are still trying to get the bullies to love them.
The irony of this man’s existence versus his political beliefs is too fucking much to bear.
Nah. You probably just have to be a woman in proximity who isn’t a doormat for these guys to hate you. Kelly is still garbage.
If Bill O’Reilly hates you you have to be doing something right.
Strong brands also cry. ... Strong brands ... also cry ...
Performing for Trump’s inauguration is absolutely seen as an endorsement of Trump and the way he talks about and treats women. Trump himself will say as much when they show up and perform. Remember, they are being coerced into performing for a narcissist who thinks everything is about him.
In her defense, it’s not everyday SCOTUS declares someone legally mediocre.
Andrew Cuomo wants to be loved. He wants to run for president. He is also the embodiment of a morally bankrupt…
Donald invited her because just like him and Jackie Evancho, Rebecca came second in the popular vote.
the son of Phyllis Schlafly?
Thank you for the reply.