Three years into the Trump Presidency, is fraud even still illegal ?
Three years into the Trump Presidency, is fraud even still illegal ?
Second, the Zapps jalapeno are the only “h0t” potato chips I actually like, unless you count as hot the Lays ginger-wasabi , which seem to be discontinued, at least around me.
That Nike shit really fucked me up for a minute. I’ve always worn Adidas, then suddenly, through no fault of my own, I had to worry that I was walking around looking like some kind of shoe-burning jackass.
I just make my own at home, BK uses crappy tomatoes anyway.
There may have been a real John Barron, hell there have probably been a few. Not too confident that those are the ones with whom Trump is acquainted, though.
Fun Fact: Giuliani doesn’t have a mirror over his bathroom sink (no reflection anyway). Instead, he just has a photo of the falling towers, that he looks at as he brushes his teeth.
Now that’s not fair. All Trump’s sources have names. John Barron for instance. Not a real person, but hey, he’s got a name !
Eh, I prefer the original British version of Jack Ryan..
Police officer ?
Wait, I thought that the latest standard GOP boilerplate re:The Red Scare was;
Both metaphorically and literally
I thought he was showing everyone the fingers he pees on when he uses a urinal.
They actually have an explanation for that. Until very recently, though it was not universally accepted across all denominations and sects of Christianity, it was a fairly mainstream cultural and theological belief in (white) American Christianity that Adam and Eve were white, and that black people descended from Ham,…
Dear Steve,
What you did there, I see it.
Ttoday, in “Things I thought everybody could figure out for themselves, but apparently it has to be explained to some of us”;
I read an article one time, can’t remember where or by whom, where the writer described a ride on Trump’s private jet. The trip consisted of Trump pointing out various features of the plane and boasting about them, including an entertainment center including a television CR, which I guess at the time the article was…
To be fair, there is extensive evidence that they are genetically predisposed to be vulnerable to deception by things painted orange