Nah, if it was, I'd have to start believing in a just world.
Nah, if it was, I'd have to start believing in a just world.
I can hardly believe we didn’t somehow completely fuck this up yet ! This pleasant emotion is so unfamiliar.
The same guy who thinks you need state issued I.D. to buy groceries says you can get them for free if you just explain that you are in financial difficulty.
Funny stuff, the tie needs a tiny “Hecho En Mexico” tag though.
You guys are not giving him anywhere near the credit this argument deserves. It’s an established fact that millions of babies are aborted every year out of fear they could grow up to be insane murderous dictators.
Man, if only Charles Manson had been able to hire Rudy Giuliani! Poor Charlie, so unfair, sad !
Because they love lies.
As long as they have any power to stop it, the GOP will never allow D.C. to become a state.
I mean, yeah, obviously it's on Trump and the GOP, still kind of pleasantly surprised that the USA at large realizes that.
He’s Ozymandias, King of Kings. Look on his works, ye mighty, and despair.
Next time Pelosi’s on TV, at the beginning she should have a stack of papers that she pantomimes reading for a moment. Then, pretending to suddenly notice she’s on television, she should say “Oh, we’re on the air?, Please forgive me, I was just going over some recent Nielsen ratings”. Then go into her remarks.
Well, start the countdown clock for a tweet tomorrow to the effect of "The Democrats bussed in illegal immigrants to watch the rebuttal”
He’s on the right track, I think. I mean, it clearly worked out great for Roseanne Barr, right ?
I’ve seen interviews with chefs like Ming Tsai describing how he was hit with a wooden spoon by a French chef when he dared to take a balloon whisk to an egg.
That grip is necessary. It’s to remind her “you can never leave”
Man, Netflix categories are getting weird..
If you take a dog to a restaurant, you are gross. Service animals are excepted, both because of need, and because they receive special training, and part of it is specifically for them to act right in places like restaurants. If you don’t need a service dog, leave your dog at home when you go to a restaurant. That’s…
What you did there, I see it, but I’m on my phone so it’s too much hassle to post the relevant (ostensibly) funny internet image.
There’s even a term for this kind of “second hand” terrorism caused by the violent rhetoric and rabble-rousing of a figurehead like Trump, though the wordeludes me at the moment.