
It looks quite possible that Donald did violate the law.

Got that? Collusion is NOT illegal, according to this great legal mind, but that doesn’t matter anyway, because Trump did “No Collusion.”

Hahaha ! Sure ! I mean what the hell, right ? Fucking Bill Kristol, christ kill me. Can’t wait to see him campaigning on Bill Maher. This country is so fucking embarrassing.

When you have to clarify to people there is more to you than being JUST a Holocaust denier...wait, does this guy pull his mask off and it’s Sacha Baron Cohen?

The day I stop living pragmatically will be the day I cease to breathe.

Dear Mr. Cavil, thanks a lot for making it that much easier for victims of actual workplace harassment to be dismissed and belittled, you ignorant little asshole !

I love how many people say “X is the reason Trump was elected !” thinking that they are making some point without realizing what they’re really saying is “it is a negative thing that Trump was elected, those who contributed to his election did a bad thing”

You’re not supposed to judge a book by it’s cover, so maybe I’m ignorant, but if I saw that picture and had never heard of Schnatter or Papa John’s pizza, I’d still think “Man, I bet that cat in the middle is racist as fuck !”

Wasabi Ginger

“Just because somebody is redheaded, they were accused of being some sort of spy for Russia.”

This is so goddamn fucking embarrassing. Donald Trump being president is worse than shitting your pants at work.

Can you please tell The Onion to stop making our world-reality imitate their art? I’m sure its not good for their business model either. This is not an article that should exist in the real world.

Maybe this stuff is sexual to some people. It probably is. To me, it’s hilarious. It’s even more hilarious to me that people find it sexual. 

Sarah forgot to mention there was fruit. Pastries, cheese, and fruit. She can’t even get that right.

How’d she do that?

Everybody poops. Even Audrey Hepburn pooped

When I saw the movie in the theater, I assumed it was gold, and that we were just seeing the reflected light. It didn’t occur to me that there was a mystery or that it mattered at all, and I still enjoyed the movie immensely. It wasn’t until much later that I became aware of fan theories around it, and it seemed

My manners in my home nation are atrocious, I can’t imagine having to remember two sets of rich people’s rules.

Rey is a Skywalker, but not Luke’s. She’s the secret illegitimate daughter of Wedge Antilles and Leia. It happened while she was on an extended “diplomatic mission” and Antilles was her personal pilot after the war. That’s why we dont see him in the resistance, he succumbed to spice addiiction in guilt over having