
...and a karate Gi?

A little indignity is a small price to pay for him being able to do the racist shit he’s always wanted to do.

I will gladly provide some of the shit.

The life of a white man in America is one of perpetual validation. It’s so validating that they can reach into their pockets, pull out any sort of cash, and find a picture of a white man on it.

“Grumpy Old Men”, just minus the humor and likability of the characters.

Maybe she and that unfunny ex-cokehead who turned snitch can get a show on Fox.

I mean, I actually do believe that Guiliani is fucking things up for Trump intentionally, but as revenge, because Jeff Sessions got the job he felt entitled to himself. But either way, even if he is deep cover resistance, I say keep booing him and help him maintain his cover. I personally hope that Yankee Stadium

Does the bitch want the sale or not? Why she trying to get someone not to spend money at her store? Sis, do you even cashier?

I swear I remember congress trying to cut SNAP benefits a few years ago and companies like Kraft and Nabisco flipped out. Turns out a lot of their products are purchased with SNAP benefits and they were looking at significant revenue loss. Same with grocery stores. No SNAP means a definite dip in sales. SNAP is about

Every brown hispanic person is a “Mexican” to racists.

Huh? Proof? Didn’t see that one.

No you see, the President wants to tell Mueller that he did nothing wrong, but he doesn’t want to be charged with perjury. That’s the dillemma.

Those guys all look like their dads are going to tear down the rec center to build luxury condos unless we beat them in some kind of sporting event or talent competition.

And since Dotard Don can’t deal with books and all that, can someone make him watch Ken Burn’s documentaries

I’m German and he sounds like an angry chicken to me.

This seems way more plausible than “Pizza Gate.”

Honestly, this may be intended to be satirical, but you lay out a pretty plausible case. The only real counter argument relies on Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions being way less racist than they seem to be.

Yeah, there’s some recently passed EU legislation that essentially forbids taking photos or video in public without the consent of everyone who appears in the picture. Look for it soon in the U.S., under the guise of protecting “privacy” but actually for the purpose of keeping police abuses out of the public eye.

Obama was a good president, I wouldn’t say great, but then again, maybe he was as great as he could be under the circumstances. And speaking of those circumstances, if I was Barack Obama, and had just gone through the past 8 years of the kind of bullshit from the GOP and Fox News, and Mitch McConnell’s turtly ass that

The flip side is this feeds their astygmatic worldview wherein they are victims, under assault by globalist leftists.