
Wow. Aren’t conservatives the same folks who flip the fuck out anytime you suggest Trump is acting like a Fascist or Nazi?

Now playing

“Do you accept her apology?” Camerota asked.

Man, was that intended as a parody of the Trump boys that I just never picked up on until now ?

Does he...can he read? Can Sean Penn read? I think someone needs to find out whether or not he can actually read and understand words.

I think it’s even more simple than that. He winces like he’s been slapped every time it’s mentioned that Bezos is the richest man in the world. He wants that mantle.

Anyone f*cking Junior Bunk for power is a fool.

Perhaps Mr Rubio would prefer some kind of compromise, whereby certain populations would be tallied at 3/5ths of their actual number, for purposes of political representation.

Yup. I agree. And my question is... what’s the organizing principle of the Democratic Party?

I’d like to hear what Pence thinks about Trump humping Stormy Daniels bareback while he was married to the mother of his child.

If true, all future references to the Vice President should be styled, “Self-described motherfucker Mike Pence.”

Seriously, we’d be so much better off if the entirety of the WH press corps was replaced by the Parkland kids.

Trump fears women more than he does federal prosecutors.

God this country is so fucking stupid. Let’s just appoint trump king for life.

Wow, not a single other person in the United States can build and implement a staff structure like Rob Porter! He truly did have the best people and those pesky ethical obligations ruined it for him! Sad!

So is Porter single white femaling his ass, or did Trump make him dress identically to himself?

Don’t forget openly embracing Nazi/White Supremacy groups.

If Trump was lying about being a Germaphobe then what else is he lying about?

Garnish sword

Stormy fell on her sword — um, Donald’s sword — to save us all.