
No offense but Trump is Catholic which is pretty much as Christian as you can get.

I get it when cops say that they put their lives on the line everyday, it is a dangerous job.

You could rearrange the words in this post in random order and it wouldn’t make any less sense. I hope that you’re just super high because being this stupid would be a real drag, man.

Think of the benefits this guy has gotten because he’s a cop, then when he needs to be one the most, he shoves his head up his ass.

IMHO it’s best that the (D)‘s just take a back seat on this one and let it play out

Marco Rubio “I am not an asshole because I take money, they give me money because I am an asshole.”

It would be great if they flooded CPAC this weekend, especially when the head of the NRA is supposed to speak whom they have been keeping out of the limelight at the conf. and hiding him from the schedule.

The future of the GOP relies on discrediting the FBI enough to keep their base voting red.

I hope I’m wrong, but I bet that speech will be in Canadian history books one day.

The NRA is just some organization with mediocre funding, but their funding isn’t anything at the level of the larger industrial lobbying groups or billionaire donors. Treating the NRA like the boogeyman, as this kid and this site has, is so shortsighted.

Yeah this is definitely not mainstream Christian belief.

What about turning it into a breading for making fried chicken?

I think you fundamentally misunderstand Morgan’s motive. Arguing with celebrities is the end for him, not the means. He’s first and foremost a sucker of famous dicks, so any interaction he gets with famous people is a win for him.

Now playing

Sorry, but the fact that Kelly had to issue an ultimatum of “hey, those folks who don’t have legal clearance to see shit won’t be allowed to see it anymore” just strikes me as... I mean, shouldn’t that have pretty much been the policy since day 1?

If it was me, I’d say

I think I may have had a “girl deterrent” rock when I was in college.

I wondered how Mr. White was going to go full contrarian on black panther but I never thought it would be this bad.

I’d advise against getting too far ahead of yourself here. I said this down below but it’s worth repeating: these kids are one major news event away from being totally out of the public eye.

Everytime I bring this up, white people on the right tell me that I’m just making up the problem and that strict voter ID laws are worth it if it stops the 1% of fraud that occurs