I tried to respond to this post several times, in several different ways, but I can’t it’s just too dumb. You are one serious dumbfuck. That insult will have about as much impact on someone as dumb as you, or anyone who might be dumb enough to think you have some kind of point, as anything that anyone could possibly…
It appears that official GOP policy is to put forward the worst possible candidate whenever possible. Do they have an awfulness quota that they need to reach?
“When’s the last time Janet Jackson had a song that was poppin’ ?” So he’s what, stanning for Timberlake ? Am I understanding that right, he’s a huge Timberlake fan, upset that Justin isn’t getting his props ? That Janet Jackson is stealing Justin Timberlake’s shine ? That can’t be it, can someone please explain this…
this is some secret anti-bds bullshit is it?
Meanwhile it’s been reported that white people were looting gas stations.
She basically thinks she is a younger version of Ann Coulter.
Honestly I’m only surprised they didn’t didn’t digitally insert MLK driving a lifted dually wearing an All Lives Matter snapback..
Also, I’m sure these 3 will have a new show on Fox any day now. Called “In my defense, I wasn’t actually being racist.” Which will follow the lives of everyday whyte Americans who do racist shit then act surprised when they’re punished or fired for it.
I think the conventional wisdom is that—allegedly—those tax breaks are offset by an influx of dollars on gamedays, rises in property prices near the stadiums, new business building near stadium sites, etc.
I’ve never understood the mindset of celebratory rioting. Rioting because you’re pissed about something? Much more understandable. Rioting because you won the Super Bowl (or some other major victory)? I just can’t wrap my mind around it. I’ve never been so happy that I was like “fuck yeah, I’m gonna tear up all this…
Don’t forget, country music is the devil!
The impression I’ve gotten from the articles I’ve read sounds like there’s an iron clad pre-nup that says if she divorces him, she walks away with nothing, not even her son.
It needs to happen after Jan 2019. One of the ways Trump is paying for his trillion dollar theft from future generations—I mean tax cut for the rich—is by removing alimony as a tax deduction (https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/tax-bill-2017/card/1513379555). This doesn’t go into effect until 2019 (unlike other…
It is a 3.5 page document. How long to read?
I know I will take heat for this but so be it, I stopped going to Outback because of the annoying habit of servers sitting down in your booth or at the table to take your order. Don’t know if all Outbacks are like this or just the one I used to frequent, but my feeling was I don’t know you, you don’t know me, and you…
Hey, the machine that generates the ticker text has been switched to “Sean’s inner mental monologue”, can someone flip it back to “bald faced lies” please ?
As I was reading this, I was thinking about the footage from the civil rights protests the networks showed in the early 60s. Historians (at least the ones I’ve read) believe that the scenes of teenagers being firehosed, clubbed, threatened by dogs, etc., was an eye opener for a lot of docile white people who became…